Wheelers' News

Displaying 61 - 80 of 1406
  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    Today wasn’t a cold day - it was around eight degrees. As I was riding down, and got to Lower Road, I was confronted with some mad bloke waving his hands at me on a bike. I got closer and closer and realised it was Pete “Darth Vader” Kelleway. We both slowed, but it was too late to have a chat as he was like 1,000 metres (might be a small exaggeration) away from me. A quick wave and we parted, Pete was riding down to Hoddesden to go out with the Cat 4.

  • Category 4 ride led by Alex Powell

  • Category 6 ride led by Pete Kelleway

    The Judge forecasted "Light cloud and a moderate breeze. No hailstorm, nor punctures.”

    Full of optimism we all made our way to the start. But where was the Judge? Did he foresee a calamitous event about to take place which we were unaware of? Like Spurs beating Arsenal? All doubts vanished when ‘Miss’ announced she was on her new bike.

  • Category 4 ride led by Lisa Ridoutt

    The first run out of 2023 saw seven Wheelers starting out from Ware for a run up to Royston. Little did we know that problematic Garmins, the number 13 and torrential rain would be the dominant forces of the day.

    The lead rider’s Garmin was being difficult and kept going to sleep. In order to test out the concentration levels of the rest of the group she purposely sailed past the first major left turn; they all passed the test with flying colours, politely shouting out her assumed mistake. 

  • Category 4/6 ride led by Lisa Ridoutt

    It was day 2 of the ‘unofficial rides’ and twelve Wheelers turned up for this one, six of us having also ridden the previous day.

    I kicked off proceedings by arriving with a puncture, which I quickly repaired (Enzo may have helped a little) and we tested out at least four of the group’s pumps for good measure.

  • Category 4/6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

  • Following our decision not to organise time trials in 2023 we have decided to run a series of internal competitions. Participants, both competitors and as organisers will be entered in a draw for a prize such as a voucher from a local cycle shop.
    The first competition for 2022 is the January Kickstarter - a Strava-based mileage competition.

  • We are sad to report that following poor participation from our members and from private entrants from other clubs in 2022 it is no longer sustainable for us to organise our own TTs. We cannot ask timekeepers and sign marshals to turn out when there may be only three competitors.

    We remain affiliated to CTT and BC to that our members can participate in events these organisations sanction.

  • Boxing Day ride led by Chris Boulton, ride report by Tony Dos Santos

    This ride was advertised as a “leg loosener” after the Christmas frivolities and indulgence. 

  • Category 6 ride led by Pete Kelleway

  • Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

    Three for cat 3 for the third time in a row. Not always the same three, so there is potential for four riders one day!

  • Category 4 ride led by Alex Powell

  • Category 6 ride led by Ian Bailey

    Ten hardy Wheelers woke far too early to a cool and foggy Sunday morning, ready for an expedition to the mountainous area way beyond the border with Essex, south-east of Epping. We braved typical Essex motorists' tolerance to cyclists as we left Roydon behind, climbing to Epping Upland before descending and climbing again into the alps of Thornwood Common and Coopersale.  

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

  • Category 6 ride led by Carolyn Kelleway

    Well I thought I might be riding solo today. The forecast was poor with rain for a few hours. But to my delight along came eleven other hardy riders, all dressed for the weather including Chris wearing Claire’s clothes (he had forgotten his apparently!). In fact Claire was able to kit out herself, Chris and a very soggy Davina. Well done, Claire. We welcomed a new rider, Sally to the group and set off promptly heading to High Roding hoping the rain would ease, but it didn’t. 

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    Cat 6 becomes Air Force One!

  • Category 6 ride led by Danny Hood

    Eleven of your finest gathered at start HQ, ready to push themselves above and beyond the humanly possible. 'Who dares wins' would sum up this lot to perfection. 

    Despite throwing in a few curveballs on the route, try as I could, I couldn't lose these highly tuned athletes. Their grit and determination to carry on made me proud to be British.... A feeling that's been sadly missing of late (we're going to hell in a hand cart), but that might just be me.

  • Category 6 ride led by Alex Powell

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    The only way we can get to Great Canfield on a category 6 ride is to start from Much Hadham. So, I decided to go from there at 9. Normally from this start point there’s a nominal turn out, but not today as twelve riders in total turned up. Really good, mostly because everyone knows we were going to the Polo Club. 

    We set off bang on nine. I decided to go up my favourite Much Hadham hill, in spite which there was not a single moan; that’s because the 6’s are well ard’! 

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos