- The Club accepts that it has a duty of care to protect all members, including vulnerable adults, to safeguard their welfare, irrespective of age, gender, racial origin, religious belief, sexual identity or disability, while involved in club activities. [Note that, currently, the club only admits adult members (aged 18 or over).]
- The Club will take all reasonable and practical steps to protect such members from harm and discrimination and will respond appropriately to all reported suspicions and allegations.
- The Club recognises that the key to good practice is having an awareness of the principles required to promote a safe environment for all.
- The Club will be guided by British Cycling's policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults. It is the responsibility of the Club's Management Committee’s to ensure suitable procedures exist to meet this policy.
- The Club will appoint a Club Welfare Officer to oversee these procedures. In her/his absence the Club Chairman or other nominated Committee member will fulfil this role.
- Safeguarding is a responsibility for every member. It is not your responsibility to investigate an allegation or decide whether
someone is being abused but it is your responsibility to report the concern and pass on information to the appropriate person. This might be:- The Club Welfare Officer who will then initiate an investigation into the allegations in accordance with British Cycling Policies. [Email: safeguarding@herts-wheelers.org.uk].
- The British Cycling Lead Safeguarding Officer, [Tel: 0161 274 2000, Email: compliance@britishcycling.org.uk]
- East Herts District Council [Tel. 01279 655261 and ask for Jonathan Geall]
- Herts County Council [via their website]
- Local Police [Tel: 101 or in an emergency 999]
- See the British Cycling Reporting a concern document for further advice
The relevant British Cycling documents are:
- Safeguarding adults: policies and procedures - the main British Cycling guidance document.
- Reporting a concern - how to respond to someone raising a concern with you, how to report the concern and what will happen next.
- Club Welfare Office Role Description - aim of the role, responsibilities and procedures.