Time trial league competition 2024

We are now well into Spring and the evenings will be getting lighter, especially now the clocks have gone forward. I know you’ll all be looking forward to (slightly) warmer days and longer evenings and many of you may well be at a loss on how to fill this time.

Well, I can’t answer for the whole week but I can offer a bit of salvation for Tuesday evenings. Our time trial ‘league’ competition is back for 2024 – but with a slightly different format. Let me explain…

North Road CC arrange 16 races on the 10-mile Brickendon circuit (actually about 9.2 miles) on Tuesday nights in the late Spring and Summer. Herts Wheelers will be compiling a league table for members of our club who enter. It will be a simple ‘scratch’ league (no handicaps), one for the women and another for the men. The fastest rider will get 10 points per race, second fastest 9 points and so on. Simple.

It is not meant to be super-competitive but more of an opportunity to get some of your club mates together and challenge each other against the clock. And earn some bragging rights. And go for a pint afterward at the Farmers Boy in the village, if you so wish.

Entry is £5 per rider (contactless payment available) and in previous seasons there has been tea and coffee and cake/biscuits available for refreshment afterward in race HQ so I dearly hope such civility will continue for 2024 (before a pint, obvs).

The best part of this is the flexibility – enter whichever races that you want to (tip: unfavourable conditions may put other Wheelers off entering allowing 10 points to be bagged easily). All I need is a photo of the results sheet from the NRCC race timekeeper (usually Graham Potter) in order to update the league standings

Any questions, drop me a direct message here on Pumble. It's the easiest way to contact me.
