Club run reports - 10th July
Club run reports - 10th July
11 Jul 22
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Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight
Lovely weather, an early start and, it seems, a non-puncture.
We set off from Allenbury's at 9.00 with the aim of getting back for the TdeF social by 1.30. Graham initially proposed shortening the planned 50 miles but progress was so good he added most of it back on. Mill End Plants was reached well before peak cyclist time so service was quick. We met Richard H and Peter W there and Alex left us to ride back with Peter for London-Edinburgh-London discussions. The rest of us set off to return via Ardeley but were held up by a puncture for Graham. The replacement tube proved to have a hole in it while the "punctured" one now showed no signs of deflating. So it was put back in the tyre and lasted well enough all the way back to Ware. Andrew left us to head for Buntingford after the puncture incident, and Gary set off from Ware to do another 50 miles - he didn't want to waste the weather!
Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
This was going to be a hot one, so we brought the time forwards by thirty minutes to ensure we didn’t dehydrate (absolute load of tosh; I wanted to get to the club early to have a few drinks).
The weather was going to be amazing. Fourteen turned up. Nice to have a new rider with us - welcome to the club, Holly.
Ms Poser 2022 (Rebecca that is, if you were not aware that she’s a bit of a cycling glamour queen, lol) turned up scantily clad in her all in one, or what I can only describe as a long vest. Jeez, what’s happening these days! However, I shall be buying one, at the request of Adrian!
We ride off at 9:02, a tad late because I was busy chatting. The group got to Cold Christmas lane where we met Cazz and Dish, not under the sign, as requested previously. Pffft!
As we rode up through the lanes, a bang as my front tyre blew up and frightened everyone. I jumped in and mended the puncture, trying to use my new tyre glider, which I found found out didn’t work. As I was doing this a really nice guy called Zac came out of his house and offered us use of his track pump. I accepted and then he came out with a cafetière of coffee and a few mugs. Gratefully received, we had a drink and then were off. What a good chap, eh!
Just before we arrived at the Hatfield Cafe, Leigh advised me that in the Tour de France in the “old days”, they used to throw bombs at each other (just picture Dick Dastardly and Muttley). I admit I was a tad sceptical about this, but didn’t research it!
We got to the cafe at 10:45, luckily missing the queues. We fed and watered ourselves in the glorious sunshine. Leigh and David Smith were planning world domination - see picture! We wanted a quick turn around for drinks back at Allenbury’s, so we were away by 11:15.
As usual David Smith was blasting along on his new bike.
We were nearly home. I was a bit tired as Amanda blasted past me, shouting "Come on!". I cannot resist a challenge, and with Peter "the dish" drafting me, I sped past her. Unfortunately my legs were shot to pieces, allowing Amanda to cruise past me. Baah. Henceforth she will be TTA - TT Amanda, lol.
All in all, a lovely ride and thanks for such a nice time. It was one of the most enjoyable rides I have been on, despite getting a puncture. Signing off, as usual, from the throne. Love and kisses. Over and out.