Club run reports - 19th December
Club run reports - 19th December
19 Dec 21
Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
So Santos Claus was coming to town, we’ll it was at 9.15. I rocked up with Mike Spicer.
No one was to be seen, then riders started turning up in their plenty (I was going to say a “plethora”, but I don’t know how to spell it ;-) ). More and more arrived and my co-leader decided to turn up 3 minutes before the ride off (OK, it wasn’t 3 minutes, but close!)
Seventeen (yes, 17) set off spot on at 9:30ish. The weather was foggy and cold. No, not just cold it was freeeeezing! Loads were moaning about the weather, but that’s one thing I can’t change, sorry! Actually no one was moaning, I just want to make this ride report bulk out!
As normal on one of Carolyn’s rides, there were lots of hills, so obviously yours truly was moaning as people rode past me.
It’s nice to have Richard “Kev” Hann; he was his usual chirpy self after being laid up with “The Vid” (that’s what the kids call it!) Nice to have you back, Rich.
As it was a magical mystery tour, no one knew where we were going, only a select few! If you’re in the know, you’re in the know, eh!
Right, so the peloton got split from the back markers and yours truly was Lantern Rouge. The disaster Struck, poor old David Smith had the dreaded P! Chris Bowden and Robyn Sadler (who were both at the back with us) advised they would ride on as they were cold.
So puncture fixed, off myself and David went.
We turned up at Mill End Plants (oh yes, that was the mystical place) and Lisa had kindly taken up Christmas crackers the day before. Love you Lisa xxx.
Claire came over to me and asked where Chris and Robyn were? We phoned them and they advised they got lost - ROFLMAO. Sorry I had to laugh, as it got funnier.
Lovely food came out and then, the icing on the cake, the ladies at Mill End came out with Mulled Wine for everyone. We decided to stay and have a few glasses and all got absolutely smashed. Ah, no, we didn’t, we had a cup of it, that took the chill off. Well it took the chill off most of us, except poor old Rebecca, she looked like she had walked into a freezer and remained it for about 4 hours. She got her hand warmers out and shoved them into her gloves.
The main peloton went off like the clappers, leaving Claire, myself, Graham and Rebecca. Luckily Lisa was leading. Along the ride, Claire advised she had the car keys, so Chris couldn’t get into the car to keep warm. This made me laugh so so much (sorry Chris, I couldn’t resist putting this in). We rode like the wind! It was cold. We got back to Allenbury’s all very cold, but satisfied in the knowledge that we had conquered the Cat 4/6. Well done all and thanks for coming.
Now over to Lisa.......
Category 4 led by Lisa Ridoutt
With such a large group going out on a Christmas ride with no idea where they were heading, in the fog and with the organiser dressed in a Santa suit, what could possibly go wrong??
Amazingly not much at all on the way out; we had a nice steady group pace and only one puncture.
A few children’s Christmases may have been ruined seeing Father Christmas having a fag and swearing as his sleigh slowly climbed the hills of Hertfordshire.
The return leg was as equally uneventful although all credit goes to Carolyn for this, as the two designated lead riders were no where to be seen, having become separated from the main group with just a few riders each to lead.
It was well worth enduring the cold and fog for the mulled wine and the great company….