Club run reports - 20th July
Club run reports - 20th July
27 Jul 24








The Dunwich Dynamo report by Tony Dos Santos
The 2024 Dunwich Dynamo starred Lisa Ridoutt, Kate D’Arcy, Enzo Misuraca, Giancarlo Misuraca, Peter Bloomfield, Mark Kerr, Claire Gopoulos, Stewart Allman, Ertan Mustafa and Tony Dos Santos.
A couple of days before we prepared by getting the vehicles in place so that we can get all the riders home safely. A big thanks to Lisa and Claire for leaving their vehicles at Dunwich and offering to bring us all home.
On the day of the Dynamo, the WhatsApp chat was buzzing. We all decided to have flashing arm bands/ bike bands as we needed to “up our game” (Lisa’s words :-)). Ertan, Claire and Mark and I decided to get the train down earlier in the evening, so we could carb load with pizza. I stepped on the train and who was there? Yes, it was Arron, who was going with Gary Smith on the cycle fast train.
We arrived at London Fields at half six in the evening and found the pizza joint. The food came out quickly and we rode to London Fields to meet the rest. We ate the meat and ale heartily (pizza and coke). The whole gang was ready at the start. At this stage, Stewart was wearing a red top! More to follow on this…
Arron had left us and was going to do crazy mph. We said adios as the amigo rode off into the sunset (even though the sun hadn’t set yet).
We started at five to eight. As we rode through the back streets of Hackney, I realised I hadn’t started my Garmin. Now, as we all know, Claire is the aficionado of Garmins but had reminded me to start it. We rode down the Lea Bridge Road a lot faster than last year. I turned around and no one was behind me. I rode up to the Woodford roundabout and still no Wheelers were there. I decided to plough on. I got to Epping and Lisa phoned me to find my location. Obviously, she thought I was miles behind, when in fact, I was mile in front. I know, me in front! At this point, I decided to meet the peloton at Moreton at mile twenty one. On arrival I waited and waited and… After fifteen minutes the others turned up, confirming they had to make pit stop at Tescos. Anyone would think this was a bike ride and not a shopping trip. Anyway, we had a two minute rest but it was absolutely mobbed and no way were we going to wait an hour for a cocktail. We rode off.
It was now starting to get dark. Everyone then “upped their game”, and put on all of the flashing bands et al. We all looked like Christmas trees in the middle of July! Stewart then decided to change his T-shirt to a different colour. We can’t lose anyone now, can we!
We were setting a good pace and all averaging at least 14 mph. Into the gloom we went. It was getting darker and darker and yet again I was falling behind (nothing unusual there then :-)). The next stop was forty two miles in and I couldn’t wait. I was a quarter of a mile away from the Bell Inn, when BANG (yes BANG) my back wheel exploded as it hit a raised manhole cover. I looked in despair at the wheel rim that was totally bent over. I thought my ride was over. I was gutted. I walked the quarter of a mile, almost being hit by other riders and traversing the poor road in my cleats. I finally got the Bell Inn and upon inspection, it did look terminal. Then, out of the darkness, came my knight in shining armour, Sir Mark Kerr, who said “will this adjustable spanner pull it back”? Off came the tyre and we slowly bent the rim back. In went the tube and the tyre went on. I pumped it up and, wow, it worked, I could continue. A quick sausage roll, which Kate kindly got me and three quarters of an hour later, we were up and running again.
We rode through the night. The temperature was a heady eighteen degrees, nice and warm. We decided next stop was to be Sudbury, twenty miles away and sixty two miles into the ride. Just over half way. We rode through the darkness. All that could be seen was the red tail lights of other cyclists in front. We road through leafy villages and then the moon broke through the clouds. What a sight. We got to Sudbury at quarter past two. It was mobbed so we decided to take on water and move on. Next stop Needham Lakes. Before we rode off, Stewart changed his T-shirt again!
We carried on riding into the darkness, down and up; there were some nice downhills. I was last in the Wheelers group, but caught up with Mark just before the lakes. Just before you get there, there is an intricate right and quick left. I got there and there was no Mark. Eventually he got to us; I had completely forgotten he didn’t have a map of the route! Nonetheless, he had saved the day and we could smell the sausage rolls, and bowled over to the van and ordered two. The lady wanted sixteen pounds, and we nearly fell over, but we were so hungry, so we paid and ate. What a total rip off! Note to selves, don’t go to the sausage van next time.
Everyone else decided to go to Gosbeck, which was only five miles down the road. Mark and I stayed at Needham for about twenty minutes more and take in the atmosphere (and a can of coke).
When we got to Gosbeck, the sun was about to rise. We had a quick cake as the others had a £2.50p sausage roll. Stewart, changed into another T-shirt! Only twenty seven miles to go. It was decided this was the last stop. Ertan was cracking me up, and what a nice guy he is.
I saw my average speed was 14.4 mph, but decided I wanted to get to 14.5. Enzo, was up for getting me there. However, I pushed too hard for five miles and was a spent force. The others shot off in the daytime. Only Mark and I left to get through the last twenty miles.
We were nearly there, passing the 100 mile mark! The last ten miles is somewhat undulating, to say the least. In spite of this we got to Dunwich. We had done it!
Now, the arguments began about who was fastest Wheeler. This is where it gets interesting. Ertan rode into Dunwich first, so, was the winner. However, I understand that a few took the wrong turn. As I’m writing the report, I hereby declare Ertan the “winner”! Actually we were all winners as we must be mental doing an overnighter cycling. But, we did it and loved it.
Now, onto the cafe. Kate ordered a bottle of wine and an ice cream. She said “she broke the ride into four quarters and the best part was the third quarter”. We didn’t know if she was talking about the ride or the wine by then :-).
All sitting absolutely shattered, Stewart changed his T-shirt AGAIN. We reckon, he must have at least fifteen T-shirts packed!
We went down to the beach and had pictures taken, but some didn’t want to come down. MISOGS eh!
The ride was over, but the journey was about to begin. Well, for four of us it was. Claire had booked a lovely campsite, where her camper van had been sitting since Friday morning. The route back was 4.3 miles of uphill. All our legs were shot to pieces. As we set off Claire was a mere dot in the distance. Ertan, Mark and I were somewhat bedraggled to say the least. We got to the site and had a shower. At half past ten, Claire confirmed that breakfast had just ended. We all decided on the way back home, we would pick up some food. Claire was talking about M&S grub, but at about midday we turned the corner and Mark said those immortal words “KFC”. We all said yes, apart from Claire, who hadn’t been in a KFC in years. So, I put a chicken fillet burger and chips in front of her and she wolfed it down.
I was put in charge of the tunes, but as I turned round saw Mark and Ertan were fast asleep, bless them, eh. On went the 80’s music and everyone had a jolly good sing song until we got home. All in all a great day, absolutely shattered, I got home and fell into a deep haunted sleep…
Mike Spicer didn’t come with us, but he did a 100 miler on the Saturday, and said he wanted a mention lol. There you go Mike, you’ve got a mention :-).
An excellent night ride, despite having my rear wheel smashed to pieces. Great organisation once again by everyone in the team.
If I’ve missed anything on the ride, I’m really sorry.
Obviously written on the throne, with every muscle aching in my body.
Love and kisses.