Club run reports - 23rd September
Club run reports - 23rd September
24 Sep 18
Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
I turned up to lead on this glorious day; precipitation was 100% and I expected the full compliment of riders! I was going to phone the cafe, to advise them we were coming, but I held off. As I waited in anticipation, the realisation struck me that no one else was coming! Then thoughts of my lovely warm house came streaming into my head (like a warm sunny day) eating bacon sarnies and drinking cups of tea. But no, I decided to ride.
So I set off at 9:30am having a lovely conversation with myself and singing “It’s Raining Again” by Supertramp . As I was riding along and getting wetter and wetter, I decided when I got to Shenley, not to stop. I did this and no bacon sandwich. Blimey, that’s a first!
On the way back, the pace went up and up (not), my feet were soaked through, even with overboots on. My “waterproof” coat was soaked through. I got back to the car absolutely soaking, but thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Uneventful ride really, with me, myself and I. No punctures and no mechanicals. Love and Kisses. Tony.