Club run reports - 25th August
Club run reports - 25th August
27 Aug 19
Category 3 ride led by Barry Page
Category 5 ride led by John Farnham
Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
I had the utmost privilege of taking 14, yes 14 Wheelers on the my favourite lead ride, to sunny Shenley. It’s just not my favourite ride, but also one of my favourite cafes.
Before we rode off, who should turn up, but Mr Paris-Brest-Paris AKA Mr Peter Walton. We rightly so, formed an arch of honour (OK, so we didn’t form an arch, but it sounds good!) as he came into sight after his immense ride of 1,200 kilometres in 88 hours 30 minutes, in ONE GO! I know it’s amazing. Well done Peter for turning up today; I would have been in bed. Also, we have a new rider who turned up at the start, a big warm welcome to Niha. What she didn’t know was she picked one of the hillier category 6 Rides. Oh and Dan, sorry I had forgotten your name, and welcome to the Wheelers as a member. How bad am I!
Also who else should turn up, you may ask? Yes it was Rhys we ensured all relevant forms had been signed by the wifey. Glad to see little Harry is doing well and lovely to see you, Rhys.
So off we went on this blazing hot summer's day, not a care in the world, and I was hoping in my heart of hearts, that I wouldn’t leave anyone behind.
The first half of the ride went well, everyone in good spirits and not a cloud in sight. We did become somewhat spread out, but that was a good thing around the lanes as a few cars were passing. We got to Shenley in good time. The cafe was packed, but in its usual manner the Cafe in the Orchard came up with our food as fast as we had ordered it. Great service and always a smile on the staff's faces.
The next half of the ride was as uneventful as the first half. No mechanicals, no punctures, just great banter.
Thanks one and all, I really enjoyed this one, but wait, shock horror, I did not lose a single rider. Whoop whooop!
Love and Kisses.