Club run reports - 5th May
Club run reports - 5th May
08 May 24

Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
The weather gods decided to shine down on our ride. The BBC weather app forecast sun all day. It was a Bank Holiday, so, I kind of thought we might have shed loads of riders, but on the other hand many might be away. It was the latter.
I met Leigh in Hoddesden and we rode to Hertford. We arrived at 8:45 and only Rodders was there, riding around aimlessly, despite me waving at him. Nice to have you on the rides as now a fully fledged member.
Pete and Carolyn drove down but were seemingly two miles away from the rest of us. I needed to pull out my binoculars from my back pocket to see them in the car park.
Then, five minutes before the off, who should turn up, yes, Kev (Richard). We haven’t seen him since, well, probably about twenty five months ago (OK it wasn’t that long ago). Nice to see you Rich.
We knew this was going to be a lumpy route, so we all had our climbing legs on.
Carolyn had an awesome time in the tennis on Saturday, with a four hour marathon, winning both matches. Her legs were bedraggled (my word of the week), yet she amazes me how she still climbs the hills like they’re not there.
The route was not circuitous - see I do remember some big words. The cafe was about half way.
Now, as Carolyn kept on saying “another puncture alley”, she was really putting a hex on things. You can’t mention the P word on a ride, yet she did on numerous occasions.
I had some lovely chats with Rodney, a thoroughly nice chap. Welcome, and lovely to have you on board.
We rode passed (or is it past) the cemetery and climbed out of Hertford. The banter was back in the gutter as Kev was on the ride…
We rode through Knebworth - I know it’s amazing as I thought Knebworth was hundreds of miles away when I was a kid.
When we got to the seventeenth mile, I noticed we were in Charlton. How the hell did we get to south east London!
We arrived at the Four Leaf Clover at 10:45. Leigh, Richard and I saw the all day breakfast at £6.50. Bargain, so we ordered that. I’m not going to say anything more about it, as I’d moaned enough on the ride. The food came out swiftly and was lovely. We ate heartily and had mead with the meal!
The ride back was “lumpy” (Pete’s words) and there were a couple of hills that nearly killed me. All the others flew up them and were waiting for me. Note to self, get fit.
Carolyn eluded that she was going to join the cat 4 rides, as we were giving her a lot of abuse at the time. I put her straight in the only way I know :-).
My Garmin was playing up (total lie) and I missed a couple of turns. I was put right by the Sergeant Major (if you know, you know ;-))
A really nice ride, not a single mechanical or a P (puncture to Carolyn).
We said our goodbyes to Rodders, as his car was parked around the corner.
As we arrived in Hertford I cried “let’s go have an ice cream.” Kev jumped at the chance and we we went to Gelato. At the last minute Kev twisted Leigh's arm to have an ice cream after all.
All in all, a superb ride, the perfect weather and lovely company.
I just need to say one more thing. YELLOW CAR!
Obviously, written on the throne.
Love and Kisses…