Club run reports - 7th July

Club run reports - 7th July

09 Jul 24

Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

At the start in Hertford the Cat 3 riders mingled with those of Cat 6. After full and thorough consultation, and having ascertained that both groups were heading in the same direction, the Cat 3 team agreed to set off promptly in order to avoid being crushed by the Cat 6 horde. So it was that Ian and Graham headed off towards the Chilterns - a small group, but perfectly formed.

Between them they managed two punctures - one each. Ian's was conveniently close to "The Hub" in Redbourne who generously provided a track pump. Graham's was on the climb up from Dagnall to Studham. No pump this time but at least the torrents of rain had subsided. These had accompanied them along Gaddesden Row, down Pedlars Hill and up the other side then down the descent to Dagnall - which was more like a river in places. Despite the warming effect of the climb up to the Chilterns Gateway Centre both felt cold whilst consuming the somewhat underwhelming selection of hot food available - Graham nabbed the last pasty.

The forecast for the return looked dire but, in fact, there was no more rain. The only difficulty was that Graham's route, compiled with insufficient care, directed them along a lane which was surfaced with a mixture of mud and broken bathroom tiles.

A good time was had by all.

Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

Today was going to be a game of two halves. Last night we knocked Switzerland out of the Euros, so today was our turn to shine. And shine we did. Read on. 

I met Leigh along the way on a nice pleasant day, albeit a tad cold for this time of year. We arrived in Hertford at twenty to nine and Claire was sitting waiting for us. As we’re waiting, more and more Wheelers rolled in, until we were nine. It’s nice to have Martin Phillips on the ride. I asked for his day pass and apparently his partner refused to sign it! Roflmao, no, she only refused to sign it as she didn’t want it to look like she ruled the roost. We all know, don’t we :-).

There was no Carolyn or Pete this week, as they were on family duties. We left at nine on the dot. Kevin Ellis was out of the traps like the proverbial greyhound and we never saw him again. Ok, Ok, that’s a total lie. As we rode up through Waterford and then Knebworth, the route was lumpy, to say the least. We were hoping to get to Wheathampstead before 11 as rain was forecast. At a stop after about ten miles, I had written down nine riders, but Ian said it was ten. Panicking, I got my phone out and counted - yes there were nine. However, we recounted about thirty times and confirmed there were indeed nine. 

We traversed many a hill and, before we knew it, we were at the Brewhouse by half past ten. The food was superb and I had the Bakewell - oh my, it was amazing. 

Just as we were getting ready to leave, the heavens opened and I mean, cats and dogs. Off we went up the hill but before we got to the top, everyone was soaked, except me, as I’ve got my super duper rain jacket that actually is waterproof. Now, if you know Martin, he’s somewhat a specialty up hill and hums as he goes up them. As we were going up one, he started his little tune and I nearly told him where to go. Roflmao. Love you really, Mart. 

The route went through Bayford and if you know, it’s blinking hilly around there. Adrian endeavoured to get me to take a different route as he was drenched. We got to the top of Brickendon Lane and we knew we had ridden lots of hills today. 

Back into Hertford in no time at all. The ride was over. We said our goodbyes and shot off. Not a single mechanical or anything along the way. 

Obviously written on the throne. Sorry it’s not a long report, but my legs are screaming at the moment.