Club run reports - 9th June

Club run reports - 9th June

13 Jun 24


The 100 mile team


Breakdown (or meltdown!)


By the sea, by the sea, the beautiful sea


Two thirds of the team


David in contemplative mode


More carbo loading


Yes, bikes were ridden in this feasting bonanza


Coffee time

Category HC ride led by Tony Dos Santos

This was the day that Carolyn was going to pop her 100 mile cherry. The day/ night before there was the usual faffing around, getting everything ready. I met Leigh at a quarter to seven at his house, and he didn’t look best pleased :-). 

We arrived in Ware at 7 and the place was like a ghost town. We prepped our bikes and within 5 minutes we were ready! Once again Leigh was not impressed - he could have spent 15 more minutes in bed! Nonetheless it’s better to be early, isn’t it?

At twenty past Carolyn, David, Kate and Ian rolled in and we were six. Fifteen minutes later we rode off. The weather was cold, the temperature around 12°C, not very warm at all. 

The usual banter was enjoyed and everyone was looking forward to the first stop at Blackmore. But, before that we had to climb the ladies UCI at 15 miles. It’s never easy and as usual I was in last place. We got to the top and usually have a breather. However, everyone else powered on. Playing catch up, I met up with everyone about 2 miles down the road. All was well and we rolled into Blackmore (see image) at a quarter to ten, 28 miles down and ready for a quick bite to eat. 

All fed and watered, we departed, with only 22 miles between us and fish and chips by the seaside (well, estuary). Then disaster at 40 miles as Leigh’s back tyre punctured. Leigh turned the bike over and could not unscrew the through axle. We tried and tried. Then with one almighty push, crack, Leigh undid it. He then endeavoured to get the tyre off, but was so tired from trying to get the through axle off. He was getting more and more frustrated and I could see he was ready to “self implode”. Stepping in, we got the tyre off and a new tube in. CO2 injection all done, and then wheel back on, we were up and running. 

We then made good time and rode into Maldon, all licking our lips for the Fish N Chips. Carolyn had brought her peanut butter sandwiches for, as we know, she doesn’t like fish and chips. So weird! The Massive Deck chair didn’t have the cloth in it anymore, so we couldn’t take any pictures. We ate some overcooked doughnuts, that were undercooked on the inside. However, each one seemed to contain a full bag of sugar.

Having climbed more than 2,500 feet already and tummies overfilled we set off back. Next stop was only another 17 miles away in Great Waltham. We sped along up lots of rolling hills. The temperature was dropping rapidly and arm warmers and gilets were back on. Carolyn was to phone Pete when we got to the next stop as he was to going to join us there. We got to the pub at a quarter to four, battered and bruised from all the hill climbing, where a pint of lemonade and lime went down well. 

We left in the knowledge there was only 35 miles to go and Pete was going to join us soon and draft us home. We powered on and David then became the ride leader for a good five miles - amazing. At mile 80 I was a busted flush, and knew I was doing a hundred miler before I really should have. Most of the hills had been traversed, but we still had Widford Hill to climb. We got to the last stop and I was absolutely shattered. A cup of coffee preceded our continuation. Before Widford Hill, every bone in my body was screaming and Pete came to my rescue and drafted me a lot of the way back. Everyone else was fine. We got to “the hill” and Pete coached me up and would have none of him leaving me behind. I got to the top and the hills were over. 

We arrived back at Allenbury's somewhat later than expected. However, it had been a great day. I’d like to personally thank everyone for getting me through the day. It was tough.

A few images are attached. 

Written in my car and not on the throne!