Wheelers Audax 2024 - How it went

Wheelers Audax 2024 - How it went

20 Sep 24


Image of the youngest rider with her dad
Our youngest-ever rider

The best laid plans ...

... can still fall victim to the vagueries of the weather. Hopes that the forecast for 8th September might prove to be false were dispelled wen the rain began just in time for the first riders to set of at 8:00 am, and continued on and off throughout the day. Not surprisingly, many entrants had decided to stay in bed and entries on the day were in short supply. Still, those that persisted enjoyed three new routes which combined some fast sections as well as a few stiff climbs.

Among the finishers was our youngest-ever entrant who pushed her dad from the back of their tandem for 100 km.

The final accounts are not yet in but it looks like we will have raised a couple of hundred pounds for our chosen Blue Cross charity.