Tourist trophy results

Tourist trophy results

20 Sep 24

Competition secretary Sam Ball reports

And so, after enjoying the Bank Holiday, the points have been counted and (ahem) verified and we now have the results of this year’s Tourist Trophy competition.

Ever in the spirit of healthy competition, there was - shall we say - an ‘interesting’ interpretation of the competition rules at times as well as suspected involvement from rogue wildlife which resulted in the Verification Panel (me) having to pay extra scrutiny to the submissions from each team.
I’m always up for skullduggery but it usually all comes out in the wash :)

(Eventually) we had our three teams taking part over Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday.

  • Team Merry Peddlars consisted of Ian Bembridge and Denis Bassom.
  • Team Osymetrics was Alex Powell and Peter Walton.
  • Team Cycling United Not Tourists was made up of Tony Dos Santos and Pete Kelleway.

You can all look forward to reading the full round-up of the weekends shenanigans in the next issue of the Mudguardian but I must admit I was surprised that I didn’t receive any complaints about the state of Coltsfoot Lane…

But for now, the main thing is finding out who takes away the coveted Tourist Trophy for 2024. And the results are…

  • Third place: Team Cycling United Not Tourists with 345 points
  • Second place: Team Merry Peddlars with 425 points
  • Which means that Team Osymetrics are our winners with 495 points! Well done Alex and Peter!!

Thank you to everyone who took part and enjoyed the bank holiday weather. And extra thanks to Alex to went back out on Tuesday and collected up the checkpoints to avoid littering our lovely countryside.
Now - I’m off to update the competition rule book to take into account checkpoints that get eaten by badgers…