Club run reports - 20th October
Club run reports - 20th October
31 Oct 24
Bacon Sarnie 2.png

Bacon Sarnie.png



Category 6 ride led by Ian Bailey
It turns out that Strava now gives an AI-generated report on rides. This is what it has to say about the work of today’s intrepid foursome:
Looks like you had a solid ride out to the Mayfields Farm Bakery, battling some decent headwinds along the way.
Your average speed of 11 mph and elevated relative effort of 144 suggest you really pushed yourself on this one.
Compared to your recent rides, this was your longest and most challenging outing, with over 1,400 feet of elevation gain. Keep up the hard work - it's paying off in your improved fitness and endurance.
No mention of the rain, as there wasn’t any worth mentioning. Bit windy, though.
So nobody could argue that we didn’t deserve our bacon sandwiches, pizzas, ham danishes and lemon meringue pie.