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  • The date for the 2020 running of the annual Herts Wheelers Open 10 mile time trial has been confirmed for 20th June 2020. Put the date in your diary - this is a popular event on a fast course!

  • Category 2 ride led by Nathan Brede

    The ride went out to Jordan’s Mill, Langford. The team all enjoyed the ride and the route, covering 67 miles, 
    approximately 3000 ft of climbing at an average speed 17.5 mph. 

    The team comprised 6 regulars, a returner and a guest. There were no mechanicals on a great ride.

    Category 6 ride led by Mike East

  • Category 3 ride led by Tony Howard

  • Category 2 ride led by Nathan Brede

    One rider crashed en route to Danish Camp and the ride was curtailed. There was also a puncture and a mechanical.

    The other five riders accompanied the injured member back to base after some medical attention. 42.6 miles covered at an average mph of 17.

    The injured rider is expected to recover in full, and thanks his colleagues for their help and support.

  • Category 2 ride led by Nathan Brede

    Category 2 rode out into Essex, then finished in Hertfordshire. Good testing route and road surfaces.

    Five riders covered 65.2 miles, averaging 17.8 mph with 3100 ft of climbing .

    The team rode well together and generated great banter on a cold day, windy day. Overall everyone enjoyed the ride.

    Category 5 ride led by John Farnham

  • Category 5 & 6 ride led by Danny Hood

  • 13 Oct 19

    After last weeks postponement in the face of a dire (and mostly inaccurate) weather forecast the Wheelers' hill climbers re-convened at Digswell. The weather was not very encouraging but, fortunately, there was next to no rain during the event. Gareth put everyone else in the shade with a time that bettered his 2017 effort by 2 seconds and equaling Karl Willis's 2014 time on the same course. Next came Barry, who had only come to spectate, but produced a very creditable time on his utility bike.

  • Category 6 ride not led by Danny Hood

  • Category 3 ride led by Paul Henderson 

  • Herts. Wheelers' AGM - 8:00 pm, Sun 17th November.

  • Peter Walton completes the 1200 km ride in 85h 27m 47s.

  • New records for 100 miles and 12 hours.

  • Category 6 ride led by Danny Hood 

  • Category 2 ride led by Lib Rocco

  • Organising Club: Leo

    Course: E2/30c

    Wheelers' Times

    PeterW 1:17:46

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    What a beautiful day! 14 riders turned up; I was terrified! Lovely to see Franco. 

    We had a great first half of the ride. Everyone was brimming with confidence and vitality. Then, Mick “the chain” Gornall, the inevitable happened - yes his chain came off! 

    Mark taught me about the gravitational pull of the moon and earth. 

    Up to Thremhall Park Cafe, and no incidents. 

  • Organising Club: Cambridge CC

    Course: E2/50c

    Wheelers' Times

    GarethW 1:58:59

  • Lovely morning for a TT. Well done Ian Bailey for making his first effort.

    Riding restricted

    Steve Watson 27:35
    Peter Walton 28:09

    Not restricted

    Barry Page 26:38
    Ian Bailey 33:11

    Barry's win and failure to participate in any earlier events wins him the coveted scrubbing brush. Steve and Peter survive to compete for the out of season best all-rounder trophy at the hill-climb on October 6th.


  • Category 2 ride led by Nathan Brede

    The category 2 team of 5 riders covered 60.2 miles on their tour of Essex at an average speed of 18.9 mph. It was a good testing ride, and the team team worked well together.

    Cafe stop too - hurrah!

  • Category 5 ride led by John Farnham