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Displaying 241 - 260 of 1433
  • Category 6 ride led by Mike East

    It was not looking good - gusty and drizzly, then a puncture on Mangrove Road on the way to the start. Just about made it to Sainsbury’s before the one member there headed home. So, just two (prime number) riders today - tough Herdwicks not held back in the fold by Bo Peep.

  • Category 2 ride

    Just two participants were brave enough to ride out in very strong winds & rain.
    They covered our Essex route - 62 miles averaging 16.4 mph with 2754 ft climbing. Again, great effort.

    Cat 2 ride again!

  • Category 6 ride led by Mike East

    Twelve met up in Ware, reduced at Westmill by 3 who had togger or domestic agendas. Once again, no prime numbers. However the magic of maths has many forms, not least today’s palindromic date of wonder - 02-02-2020. Result - ride leader very happy.

  • On Sunday 19th January Wheelers' members gathered at Mayflower Place in Hertingfordbury for their annual dinner and awards ceremony. This year the start time was put back to 4:00 pm so many had been able to complete club rides in the morning, thus providing themselves with some justification to indulge fully in the food provided.

  • Category 6 ride led by Danny Hood

  • Category 5 ride led by John Farnham

  • Category 6 ride led by Danny Hood

  • Category 3 ride led by Tony Howard

  • Category 2 ride led by Kevin O’Shea

  • 18 Dec 19

    Herts Wheelers Annual Award Winners 2019

    The list of 2018-19 trophy winners is almost complete. Congratulations to all.

  • Category 3 ride led by Tony Howard

    Ten Wheelers turned up at Allenbury’s Ware to be blown swiftly to Dores Kitchen, High Roding. The route was designed to take advantage of the forecasted 18 mph west south west breeze (I would have called it a wind), via Roydon, Nazeing, a bit of Harlow and on through the Lavers (Magdalen, High and Little) heading for High Roding and Dores Kitchen. We were greeted by more parked bikes than you can buy from Wiggle! Apparently Dores Kitchen is by appointment only on a Sunday! 

  • Category 2 ride led by Nathan Brede

    The ride went out Essex way and finished in Herts, covering 60.5 miles, at an average of 17.9 mph, climbing 2375 ft. Five members enjoyed the ride, with great banter, great company, oh, and no cafe stop! Overall a good ride out.

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

  • Category 2 ride led by Nathan Brede

    Three members rode 62.5 miles, averaging 17.2 mph, and climbing 2700 feet. The team rode in sub zero conditions including freezing fog and there was plenty of ice around, but overall rode really well. No major problems, so thanks to the category 2 team for a really enjoyable ride.

  • 25 Nov 19

    At our recent AGM Gareth gave a presentation of the Wheelers' racing activities in the 2019 season. You can view it here.

  • Category 6 ride led by Mike East

    Enjoy a hearty breakfast, put the Archers omnibus on the radio, get out your biggest bowls and you are ready for Stir Up Sunday. A few hours later you have embryonic Christmas pud or cake or both. You can then settle down for an early viewing of It’s A Wonderful Life. Festive season started. Or you can get your bike togs on and log a few miles on a dank November day.

  • 20 Nov 19

    We held our Annual General Meeting at Allenburys last Sunday. Marcia produced an excellent presentation showing the highlights of the club's year. You can view it here.

  • Category 3 ride led by Tony Howard